With Summer well on the way, many of us are looking forward to a warm weather romance. But what if you not looking for a tall, dark, and handsome to take home with you when the seasons over?
idea of a fling is especially appealing to the busy, independent single girl
who’s got a ticking time limit and a need to have fun without dealing with
messy emotional strings- and you’d like to think of yourself as this type of
girl. This is why flings are born and bred from what I personally like to call
the Trinity of Whims: winter break, spring break, and naturally, summer break.
During any of these given times, the occupied college girl (or even spread-thin
worker) suddenly encounters free time and holidays…so, whatever shall you do
with them? Can you achieve a brief, convenient romance while successfully
avoiding the bottomless pit of distraction that is love?
commencing to fling, remember what your life is actually about.
been working hard at school/work/freelance writing when suddenly you’re
confronted by winter/spring/summer break, and find yourself bored and ready for
a day/week/couple of months of pure, stress-less fun. However, before replying
to the flirty facebook messages of that cute guy who has a motorcycle/ is in
the Navy/ can melt butter with the intensity of his smoldering brown eyes, you
realize that you must remember what you’ll be returning to once it’s all over.
You acknowledge that the whole reason you’re embarking on casual romance
instead of pursuing a glowing fairy to cast your wish for True Love’s Whatever
is because you’re focusing on school/work/that one novel that you’re sluggishly
(but steadily!) adding pages to each day. Once you strike this deal with
yourself, then you’re set for some fun in the sun/snow/respective indoor area
that prevents the March rain from attacking the unfortunately thin white shirt
with green shamrocks on it that you literally JUST bought for St. Patrick’s
Day, thinking it would bring you “luck”. Also, you note that a good pre-step to
having a fling is to pick a tip from the Trinity: frolicking about during
winter, spring, or summer break (or whatever break you’re offered if you have a
weird schedule due to night shifts/volunteer work/unauthorized grave digging
for the Zombie Awareness Effort) is much more easygoing. You should never have
to “fit” a fling into a schedule. The point is precisely its name: to fling, to feel the short breeze, and
then to stop.
make Fling-Boy think that it’s not a fling. That’s just mean.
make absolutely certain from the day of that very first date that the rules are
a laid out: how long the flirtation is going to last, how far it’s going to go,
and how much (or how little) you plan on keeping contact once the fling has
flung. You give him your I-am-so-serious-right-now face across the table while
you munch on the grilled chicken sandwich that you were going to split the tab
for but well what can you do if he insists
on buying it and wait for him to nod his head of smooth black hair/surfer
boy curls/edgy blue tips in agreement. Once all of the terms are made clear,
you can’t be held responsible for any misconceptions. Unless, of course, you’re
a man-eating bitch and you purposely go out of your way to enchant the poor
boy. But, of course, you won’t do that because you’re a responsible adult and
you want to preserve the good name of women everywhere, right? Of course right.
is an Art. Romance is a Science.
You find yourself
filling up the break with escapades of stargazing, theater going, bowling,
driving around to gaze at Christmas lights, attending parties, eating out,
cuddling during at-home movie marathons, and the like when it suddenly occurs
to you that you’re getting to have all of this fun without having to pay for
any of it with emotional investment. What’s the catch? It’s the necessity for
careful time-management. You develop a helpful formula for maintaining a
healthy, carefree fling even though you hate math/despise math/detest math. Oh,
did I not remember to enter a positive inclination toward math? Oh well.
the formula comes together resembling something like this: R = t+a-i, or more
articulately, romance equals time plus activities minus investment. In other
words, you put in the hours to do fun things together, but skip the involved
texting, the long phone calls, and the constant messaging back and forth. One
of the biggest observable differences between getting to know someone and
actively pursuing someone is the
amount of conversation you have. Some conversations are just not necessary for
a relationship with a one-week shelf-life, and so you really don’t have to
chatter on to him about your last break-up/childhood trials/brother doing
missionary work in Sri Lanka. If you’re looking to have a serious conversation
full of depth and meaning, then you aren’t looking to have a fling.
Awkward Moment When… Things are winding down, and you’re
about to call it a week when suddenly, out of nowhere, he tries to tell you
that he loves you.
Dear God.
First, there are a couple of questions you need to
ask yourself before determining whether or not to believe him. A few of these
questions may be: How long has this fling lasted? Is he drunk? Has he tried to
lead up to this at all? And your personal favorite: is his phone full of girls
who have received texts that look exactly like the lines he’s currently
reciting to you at the moment? You justify taking his phone to locate these
messages because you have a point to prove and you show them to him proudly,
feeling clever and streetwise to the tricks of the trade. Then he tries to
demonstrate the disparity between the number of texts sent to you and the ones
sent to the others, which stands to be a 180-text difference. (By the way, if
he can do this then that means you deviated from the formula and you are not so
clever after all). However, being his favorite
does not merit you reason to believe that he is in love, especially after a
short amount of time. If he’s not drunk or texting other girls and appears to
be telling the truth, then you did something horribly wrong and are a terrible,
terrible person. But that does not mean that the situation cannot be fixed!
Under both circumstances there are things to say, and things to not say. If you
care about Fling-Boy’s feelings at all you will not say “I think of you like a
brother,” which is an obvious lie because you would not under any circumstances
have a fling with your brother, “maybe if things were different,” because that
is so hopefully vague, and for the love of, oh I don’t know, everything, you will not say “I love you
too,” because if you find yourself agreeing with most of the thoughts in this
article, then you don’t mean it. And if you don’t mean it, then saying it is
pretty much, well, evil. Instead, try the truth! You’re focusing on
school/work/freelance writing, and both of
you ought to be free to attend wholeheartedly to your aspirations.
The magic has left the air and you have
returned to reality once again. To text or not to text? Should you expect
anything from Fling-Boy the next turn of the Trinity of Whims? If everything
ended smoothly and on your set terms with both parties equally unaffected, then
hey, there are no eggshells to walk on here. But if you had a close brush with
his professed love (or the attempted appearance of love) then the time has come
for distance. You tell him not to text you anymore, and yes, you do feel guilty
for a while, but then you look at the facebook pictures of him drinking liters
of Dr. Pepper on the beach and you realize that no one can be all that forlorn
after such a short fling.
Some people say that they can experience love at
first sight, and whooped-de-doo for them. But most people have to cultivate it.
If love is a rose to be carefully tended to daily, then romance is a cactus
that can be rained on once and then left in the desert until the whim takes you
to fling once again.
Try not to drown it.
More articles by Jenna:
I really love reading this article! I've never had a fling before, just serious boyfriends and have no time or intention to have a boyfriend while I'm in school 24/7 and blog. But if I change my mind, I'll know what to do :-). Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog Lauren! xoxoxo