Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mini Coveteurs Dress up as Fashion Bloggers In Adorable Relaunch Video

The best way to get people excited about something? Dress children up as the eccentric, but well-groomed fashion bloggers we can't take our eyes off of. The Coveteur made this video featuring Bryan Boy, Anna Dello Russo, Justin Bieber, and Anna Wintour ( You missed one Anna!) to celebrate the relaunch of their site. Isn't this the cutest?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Four Things You Didn't Realize Are Hurting Your Skin (But probably should have)

Four super easy things you can change to get better skin, right now!

Life Lessons Learned From A Little Black Dress

A lot can be learned from an LBD

DIY Lemon Juice Toner

Brighter, smoother, more even skin.. and you can do it all at home without breaking the bank.

DIY Hair Mask

Two ingredients to smoother, softer, healthier hair.

Love Your Job

Finding the right job can be a lot like finding the right person: It takes time. It takes effort. It takes patience. And it takes passion. A lot of it can be extremely confusing. But trust me... its out there.

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