Friday, July 18, 2014

#RadiantWithAveeno Feels as Good As It Sounds

Uneven skin tone is not the business. And although I'm pretty young and don't have to worry about age spots yet, my gene pool has blessed me with red, less-than-pleasant combination skin that I've managed to compliment with acne scars. "Good" days leave my uncovered face looking rudy and uneven. On bad days I should really be trying to seek employment up north, because I could give Rudolph a run for his money.

I've had the pleasure (and sometimes displeasure) of trying out quite a few different toners. A little over a year ago I was tipped off by a friend to a DIY lemon juice toner, and due to my "one packet of Raman a day" budget, that has been my go-to ever since. Two weeks ago, however, I was fortunate enough to a receive a package from Influenster containing Aveeno's Targeted Tone Corrector to test out. And I began using the product to see if I really would end up #RadiantWithAveeno. 

What does a toner do? 
A toner is an astringent liquid applied to the skin to reduce oiliness and improve is condition. Its typically used after a cleanser is washed off and before a moisturizer is applied. A good toner will help you cleanse and restore ph balance, all while hydrating the skin.

My experience with Aveeno's Targeted Tone Corrector
I started using the toner the day after I received it, applying it in the morning when getting ready and at night before I go to bed. It left my skin with a really fresh and clean feeling.. it smells that way, too. 
I know that nothing works over night, but after a week without even the slightest change, I began to think that maybe this toner just wasn't right for my skin. But a few days ago (within the 14 days the packaging promises) suddenly my skin began to noticeably improve. After just two weeks the toner has been able to slightly lessen the redness of on my nose, cheeks, and forehead, and one of the acne scars I have on my chin seems to be fading. It also made my skin softer and smoother then it has been in really long time.

Application Tips
- Use in the AM and PM along with your regular skin care routine. Toners should be used after you cleanse and before you moisturize. 
- A little of this product goes a long way. You don't have to glob it on. 
- Have patience. It will take a little bit of time to see results. 

Price: $14.99 

Recommended: Yes

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